The High Trust Leader Course (HTLC) is our most in-depth, experiential
resource to help you grow in trust and experience authentic relationships
in your life.

Course enrollment for August 2024 is now open!

The High Trust Leader Course (HTLC) is our most in-depth, experiential resource to help you grow in trust and experience authentic relationships in your life. Through faculty-guided discussions, face-to-face tools, reading, and teaching videos, you will be instructed, challenged, and encouraged in how to develop High Trust Communities. The HTLC provides teams of any size the ability to dive deeper into the gospel of God's grace and experience greater trust in their relationships.

Through faculty-guided discussions, face-to-face tools, reading, and teaching videos, you will be instructed, challenged, and encouraged in how to develop High Trust Communities.


No team, family, small group, or friend group, can thrive without trust. Despite this, many of us struggle to create environments where trust is valued, pursued, and honored. This course was designed to help you learn how to trust God and others with yourself, and how to then extend that environment to those in your influence. This course is not for the faint-hearted, but will challenge you, mature you, and encourage you to the degree that you invest yourself in it.


The HTLC uses excerpts from our books The Cure and Behind the Mask, as well as exclusive teaching videos, in-depth studies on the biblical foundations of grace, reflection assignments, discussion questions, and face-to-face relational tools. It addresses identity, shame, family of origin, owning your influence, destiny, and much more.

HTLC Overview of Course



This course is delivered entirely online, though we suggest face-to-face, video, and phone interactions as much as possible. Each group has a High Trust Leader faculty member, who will walk with you throughout the course.


The HTLC is a 16 week course offered bi-annually beginning in January and August. Each week consists of teaching videos, a reading, a discussion question, and a face-to-face assignment, and can be completed on your own schedule within the week. Students should expect to invest 3 hours per week in the course.


The HTLC is designed for a group experience and you will be placed in a cohort with other individuals like you. You will form relationships of trust with the others in your cohort while learning principles you can extend to all your relationships.


The cost is $399 per person.